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A BFB host (BFDI Season 4) that is currently dead and became a desert as for to be a constant presence.
Four was a number and the former main host of Battle for BFB. Four and their co-host X first appeared in the 2008 video "X Finds Out His Value".

Four exhibits very surreal mannerisms, including being able to deform or mutilate characters, revive them, Screechy to stun characters, eliminate contestants by sucking them into their body (sending them to the EXIT), and shoot energy beams (called "zappies") from their hands.
Four's first appearance in BFB was "Getting Teardrop to Talk", where they lead a game to win "a BFDI" (in which the winners will possibly get another Battle for Dream Island, now as "a BFB"). Four appears alongside X, another abstract being representing a real-life number, letter, or algebraic variable. As of "B.F.B. = Back From Beginning", Four merges with The Desert, making it blue and the cactuses like him, and possibly setting him up to be the main antagonist of the season.

"Four, are you okay?"

by Manlikehuman3 January 17, 2021

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