Source Code

shub niggurath

"The Black Goat of the Woods With a Thousand Young is a dark and terrible alien fertility goddess in the mythos, sometimes depicted as a demonic goat, sometimes as an enormous amorphous mass spawning her "Dark Young"-- huge tentacled tree-like hulks with shaggy goats legs and hooves -- in an endless orgy of reproduction."

To sum it all up, the ultimate badass in everything awesome.

Holy shitcakes Batman! I just saw Shub Niggurath! I can die a happy human.

by Manzy February 17, 2005

47👍 7👎

Get 'er Done

used as an exclamation for something cool or nifty

if a loud jacked up truck drives by, you can say, "Get errr done!" followed by "dats right."

by Manzy November 10, 2003

49👍 164👎


a term used to describe a friend or person you know.

What up homes? Que pase homes?

by Manzy May 6, 2003

1269👍 431👎