Source Code


When one cups the hand in a gripping form, and air-masturbates, and says spools.

"Yeah man,, SPOOOOOLLLLLLSSSS *wank motion*"

by Marc December 8, 2004

7πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Tao, taoism

A philosophy of oriental origin, comprised of pothead logic.

Taoism, "The way"

by Marc February 19, 2004

6πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž

The Man

1. n. (derogatory, semi-proper) Term used to describe any class of people who wield power and are seen as oppressive. See also whitey, big brother, corporate america, the establishment (Please note, these synonyms are used as examples of groups who have been called "The Man," and should not be construed as a racist attack)

2. n. (derogatory, proper) Term used to describe an individual who holds authority over another, such as an employment supervisor or police officer. See also, pig, asshole, nazi, fascist.

3. n. (military) Any superior officer who has authority to issue legal punishment. See also brass.

4. n. (complimentary) Term used to describe an individual who has achieved either a great accomplishment, or who is viewed as being an altogether good person. See also the bomb, the shit.

1. I can't ever get anywhere in this world because The Man is keeping me down.

2. I wanted to jet out of work early, but the Man said I had to clean the shop before I could leave.

3. The staff sergeant told the habitually late private that if he was not on time tomorrow, the private would be standing tall before the man.

4. "Damn dude! You banged three chicks in one night? You are the man!"

by Marc February 15, 2004

869πŸ‘ 225πŸ‘Ž


Player who has now gone to Miamiheat because he Is shit.

I could never get those free throws!

Shaq....Shaq goes for the dunk....And he asks for a substitution!

And we welcome you here for todays match between Miami vs Nuggets. Shaq gets the jumpball...And gets a substitution.

Shaq is out for 4 weeks due to him attempting a jumpball!

by Marc December 28, 2005

49πŸ‘ 72πŸ‘Ž

shut out

when one team scores five or more points and the other team has none.

only a score of 5-0, 6-0, 7-0 and up is a shut out. scores such as 2-0, 3-0, and 4-0 are not shut outs.

did you win? yea we got a shut out! what was the score? 13-0!

by Marc October 18, 2004

63πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž


One tough Indian.

Did you hear, he got his ass kicked by Sudeep!

by Marc January 1, 2004

156πŸ‘ 77πŸ‘Ž

Liverpool FC

Liverpool FC are a Spanish Football Team based in Merseyside who rely on Gloryhunters from Liverpool and Beyond. Often there fans support Liverpool because they are sheep (copy every else and probably from Yorkshire) and they start supporting Liverpool when they win something. There fans think Stevie G Laaaaaaaaah is the greatest player ever in the world. They don't go to games, even the local fans don't. They buy scarfs from the Dock Market and watch the match on the TV and they have never been to 1 Live match. They find it hard to buy tickets because most of the Liverpool fans are travellers and Gypsies and cant afford, most of the true supporters (5% of their fans) are stood infront of some random bloke who flew from the middle east, yorkshire, london, essex and Scandinavia.

Bloke 1: Yeah Liverpool FC !
Bloke 2: What?
Bloke 1: Yeah Liverpool they are the best!
Bloke 2: Since when have you liked football let alone support liverpool?
Bloke 1: Erm. All me Life.
Bloke: 2 How many games have you been to?
Bloke 1: I went to my first one at the final?
Bloke 2: So is that when you started supporting Liverpool you glory hunting cunt?
Bloke 1: Well our just jeleous of Liverpool the best in the world. Steven Gerrrard is the greatest player in the world.
Bloke 2: Who said anything about being jelous? And Gerrard aint the greatest.
Bloke 1: Your jelous cause liverpool are the best.
Bloke 2: Your 36 and from Liverpool and have only just been to your first game this year? Thats called gloryhunting supporting the winning team as soon as they win. How did you get the tickets?
Bloke 1: My mate from Cardiff. He decided to support Liverpool again because they are in the final!

by Marc May 18, 2006

617πŸ‘ 640πŸ‘Ž