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Fornicating with extraterrestrials.

The process involves a human placing his or her hand, palm side out, into an aliens hand, interlocking the fingers. Once the connection has been made, the human receives the greatest form of ecstasy circulating throughout the entire body. The grip recipient usually levitates 4 - 10 inches off the ground and displays an intense glow, varying in colors. Those who grip almost always ejaculate immediately and continues to orgasm even though the human runs out of semen

Get gripped!!
Guys, I think I'm going to try and grip tonight..
I'm going to hang out by the edge of the forest in hopes of getting gripped.

I'm getting wounds on my hands from gripping too often...

by NosG September 15, 2010

70πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž


The process of finding eroticism in the more innocent every-day relationship intimacies of others, for example couples kissing or holding hands or sharing a joke.

Specifically, Gripping is the action of masturbating over these moments. The person is henceforth known as a 'Gripper'.

Incidents of Gripping increase during particularly prolonged barren spells, without sexual contract from another human being.

This term 'Gripper' is particularly offensive to Worcestershire-based woodwork teachers.

Pam and Trevor's wedding was tarnished by Teddy "Gripping" thoroughout the service.

Oi - wanker!.... Who called me Gripper!?

by Quelmo Rodriguez May 7, 2011

35πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


Firmly holding the attention or interest; exciting

- Did you watch the new movie of Spiderman?
- Yeah, I did.
- Was it good?
- It was absolutely gripping.

by The C2 Master January 8, 2022

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


What sexy women do to wood grain or dominic black dick

Nothing like gripping dominics hard dick right before he shoots a fuckin load

by Bend over and take it raw February 17, 2021

6πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


After ordering a soft drink from a fast food restaurant (preferably drive thru), you squeeze the drink they hand to you while they are still holding it, causing the drink to spill all over their hand.

Inevitable results: the worker has an even shittier day because not only do they have a shitty job but they also can't kill the people who did this to them.

"yo im bouta do the gripping at this mcdonalds and put it on youtube"

"word do it up. just dont get killed"

*pulls up to drive thru worker* *grips*

*gets shot in the head*
"I had to do it!!" - Lil B (mcdonalds worker)

by Im High on Crackk July 31, 2011

15πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


To obsessively worry about something to the point of making you worthless.

Man, WTF is up with Kelly? That mofo ain’t done shit in three days.

- His HIV test results come back tomorrow. He’s been gripping about that shit ever since he hooked up with Dana.

by Fly1982 March 29, 2021

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

a grip

"A Grip" - An large amount of a particular item (ex; time, money, and/or female ass). Originated with hustlers counting their cash with how much would fit between your thumb & index finger (grip). Then it evolved into describing any item of large a value/quantity.

1. That BMW must have cost a grip!
2. It's been a grip since I cruised the shaw.
3. Keisha has a grip of ass!

by Marcellaus April 29, 2006

288πŸ‘ 50πŸ‘Ž