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The one person at school, that is ignored by everyone. Even at home by their families, and everyone usually takes out their anger, sadness, happiness, ... feelings and emotions on that one person. The one person that is rejected by society, constantly feels left out. And is constantly moving in and out of social groups and cliques because they can't find one that they fit into. They can't find one they fit into because they fit into none of them, they or the old one out. The one person that feels like it's the world against them and that know understands who they are, or what they go through. (I DO AND IT'S NOT FUN). It's not often that you see an outcast with a group of friends Orr even on, if the outcast does then it's usually someone really close.

"It is no wonder that he constantly preached about our welcome of the stranger and our compassion for the outcast."

by Mardiya_Who? May 1, 2018

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