Source Code

Keep Knit

A designated "look out" for the fuzz when something nefarious is going down.

Keep Knit while I raid that betches stash! I don't want any surprises this time!

by Marla_Singer March 28, 2023

13th Stepper

Someone who goes to ANY 12 step meeting for the purpose of looking for a one night stand. They see people in recovery as "low hanging fruit" and tend to prey on them for their own sexual gratification whether it be a one night stand or a friends with benefits type situation or even a relationship.

I warned her that he might try to pick her up at the recovery meeting, he was so obviously a 13th stepper. He had always been a predator to ladies in recovery.

by Marla_Singer June 21, 2019

Oozy Skitch

A rather unsavory hybrid skank-bitch.

Don't be such an Oozy Skitch!

by Marla_Singer March 27, 2023


When a guy so fugly peopositions you and your response can only be: "I wouldn't sleep with you if I was starving and your weiner was a ham sandwich."

Example #1
Female 1: "That guy is so damn fugly!"
Female 2: "I know! He is a total 'Hamweiner!'"

Example #2
Check out that 'Hamweiner ' over there.

by Marla_Singer November 3, 2022