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A Rosenheim is a type of human who is utterly boring and useless and often has carnal knowledge of his niece or other such young family members. A girl who is a Rosenheim is super busted-out by tons of dudes and hopelessly uses meth and bullshit like that.

"Those Rosenheims know a thing or two about hot pockets and Cosby sweaters. Better get checked out by a doctor."

by Mars-El September 29, 2023

Amish Drive By

When you're taking a shit and trying to concentrate but your cat keeps licking the door, making a sound you imagine is something else, something sinister and evil. Your shit taking becomes less peaceful and, perhaps, a source of profound shame.

"Thanks, fucking cat, for the Amish drive by.... Now I'll feel like I still have to shit for the rest of the day."

by Mars-El September 28, 2023


How a dude talks when he dresses like a girl. Super annoying and hella gross for the natural ear.

"That chick looked sort of okay... until I heard that troony voice. Now I see that it's a dude doing a clumsy impression of a real girl"

by Mars-El November 8, 2023

2👍 5👎

New York Jet

A New York Jet is a slender penis that goes off and jizzes prematurely.

"You like New York Jets? Maybe we can go out sometime... The Jets can play the Browns in your Butt Bowl."

by Mars-El October 2, 2023