Source Code

buh bye

an informal expression used to say goodbye, see ya, bye etc.

Person1: I'm gonna go now. See ya!
Person2: Alright, buh bye :)

by Martiine March 22, 2007

492👍 257👎


a short version of 'real life'

In rlf he wouldn't act like he did in this game.

by Martiine March 22, 2007

3👍 7👎


A short form of 'resurrection' used in online games, mainly MMORPGs, to ask for resurrection from other players.

Someone1: resss
Someone2: Sorry, i don't have the skill

Someone1: res pls
Someone3: Alright i'll res u :)
Someone1: ty

by Martiine March 22, 2007

98👍 58👎


a coughing sound made when trying to gain someones attention

Person1: Khm..
Person2: Yes?
Person1: I thought you would never notice me^^

by Martiine March 22, 2007

82👍 29👎