Source Code

the wave

its a kind gesture that people do to say hi or say good bye and that's called the wave

e.g. hi (that's when you wave or you don't have to wave)

hi -waves- nice to meet you

hi -waves- nice to meet you to
whats up -waves-

definition the wave is a kind gesture to greet someone
not much you

same not much
oh ok
well bye -waves-

by MattyBoi07 May 24, 2019

11👍 5👎


hi BOI it's boy but spelt like boi

hey boi what's up

by MattyBoi07 December 6, 2019

1👍 1👎


when you are extra bored and you go left to right but leaving the first 2 letters like oiuytrejhgfdbvc and leave out po wq lk as man xz

hi I'm poiuytrewqlkjhgfdsamnbvcxz and I'm qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm well I'm new im iuytrejhgfdbvc

by MattyBoi07 February 6, 2020

The Score

A great band that has great music and deserves all the respect like they cant make a bad song ive listened to a heap of their songs and i loved em.

for the people that see this i hope you enjoy The Score like i did

and if you do wanna check em out here is there link

Hey have you heard about the band called The Score 'no' you should check em out

by MattyBoi07 October 19, 2020

24👍 4👎