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Jenna is the girl you look at and you drown in her color changing eyes. She is a bit shy when you don’t know her but only grows the more your around her. Jenna will blow you away with her intelligence even tho you’ll question her common sense. She makes it easy to only notice her when your in a crowd, not from her actions but from her incredible beauty. She’ll make jokes that will match your sense of humor that you thought no one else had. She has her sport where she can electrify the crowd which makes everyones eyes fall on her. She always finds her guy in an odd way. Jenna will cause him to only think about her and it’ll be like there’s no other girl in the world that can compare. She makes the ones around her happy and you can always talk to her. Jenna will always keep life interesting with her wild pranks that only make you love her even more. She can be hard on herself but that’s only because she wants the best. When you find yourself a Jenna hold on tight and never let go because she’s amazing.

Wow! You’re dating a Jenna you are so lucky.

by Mattythemachine November 13, 2018

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