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Terrible, wretched, nasty and disgusting.

Marty: There comes Lucy with her vomit-ass shoes.
Thomas: Yea, those ass-made slippers look crappy af

by Maxicat0 March 1, 2023


aa ee oo

Jerma: wait a minute...

by Maxicat0 March 5, 2021

259👍 8👎


A beautiful place that everyone bookmarks and cherishes on their travel book.

Zack Fair: At least someone's keeping up.
Cloud Strife: Well, i'm a country boy too.
Zack Fair: From where?
Cloud Strife: Nibelheim.
Zack Fair: *laughs until he vomits his lungs*
Cloud Strife: How about you?
Zack Fair: Me? GONGAGA.
Cloud Strife: *also laughs his guts out*
Zack Fair: Hey! What's so funny about that? You know gongaga?
Cloud Strife: No, but it's such a backwater name.
Zack Fair: Ditto Nibelheim (ratio)

by Maxicat0 March 23, 2023

Infused Piss

When you want to piss after busting a obese nut to your favorite waifu but there's still some cum left on your foreskin, mixing the urine with the semen.

Jerry: Dude, i needed to piss but there was some cum left on my PP! That means i made infused piss!
Thomas: wdym? What will happen now?
Jerry: idk, i guess i will give birth to a scary sewer monster.
Kat: Dude, that's gross
Jerry: So, can i piss in yo pussy, Kat?
Thomas: bro wtf

by Maxicat0 October 1, 2021

Daddy Tissues

When dad has a grotesque amount of tissues.

My daddy has 235 packages of tissues, i call that Daddy Tissues

by Maxicat0 October 1, 2021

Cringe and Failpilled

The completely opposite to Based and Red Pilled.

John: I don't like dick in my ass, no no
Fred: You are cringe and failpilled

by Maxicat0 July 29, 2021

Balls of Steel

1. Definition of being strong, rude and super brave, and referencing the male balls because the harder they are, the manlier the man is.
2. Having your balls masked in steel, or having your balls made of steel.

1. Duke Nukem: I've got balls of Steel.

2. Dude: Hey you know what the "Balls of Steel" pill does in TBoI?
Other dude: i think it adds 2 soul hearts

3. Boy: I'll be asking the menacingly looking man's daughter out.
Other boy: Man, you've got Balls of Steel!

by Maxicat0 March 5, 2021