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Crafted with little to no effort at all.

Terrance: Hey Luke at these shoes
Lucas: Fuck you and your ass-made slippers

by Maxicat0 March 1, 2023


Pigs' scientific name according to science

Pigs are sus!!!!!!!1!!!1 😳

by Maxicat0 March 5, 2021


When the imposter is sus! 😳

Guy:yo have you seen the amogus drip meme?
Other guy: god please help me
Guy: when the imposter is sus! 😳
Other guy: amogussss!!!!!
Guy: Drip 😎
Yet another guy: Mogus lost it's drip 2 months ago
Guy: don't criticize the flex
Yet another guy: 'mogus didn't have new Airship map 😭

by Maxicat0 March 5, 2021

3👍 2👎