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Brokeback Mountain

A reallyy hot sexy epic love story about 2 gay cowboys who fall in love with eachother and spend years keeping it on the DL .I drove 2 hours just to see it because it wasn't out in my city yet! YUM!

Love is a force of nature.

"Brokeback Mountain"

by Maybelline February 19, 2006

147πŸ‘ 187πŸ‘Ž


Agnostic people are people who secretly know there is a God but dont have the balls to believe that they'll live a great life after they die.

Agnostic people usually turn towards Jesus as they get older and realize they were dumb in their teen years.

by Maybelline February 19, 2006

30πŸ‘ 403πŸ‘Ž


A relativly cool person, who can think of clever, but not particulary rude or offensive, funny comebacks on the top on their heads, making people laugh, not annoyed.

You find very few people who are genuinly witty..people just try too hard these days to be funny.

by Maybelline February 19, 2006

1378πŸ‘ 505πŸ‘Ž


1: Out of stock, as in a brand being sold out.
2: Out of style

1: Aw man! The shoes I wanted in my size are OOS!
2: "Did you see Ashley yesterday? Her Juicy trackpants are so OOS!"

by Maybelline October 7, 2007

11πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

Bill Belicheat

Bill Belicheat is the coach of the New England Patriots. He tapes opponents signals and also taped the St. Louis Rams before they upset them in Super Bowl XXXVI.

He is notorious for having no personality and walking off of the field before Super Bowl XLII was over, after the New York Giants beat them, knocking off their hopes for an unprecedented 19-0 season.

Maybe they didn't deserve the perfect season. Ever heard of karma, Bill Belicheat?

by Maybelline February 10, 2008

441πŸ‘ 243πŸ‘Ž


1-stuff comes from cows


1-i lvoe cheese!!

2-alright, who cut the cheese?

by Maybelline July 7, 2006

3πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


Mcdonalds meat is nasty. I only go there for the fries. But dont eat too much..or else youll get FAT

Um...Ill pass on Mcdonalds' burgers..but give me super sized fries!!

by Maybelline September 26, 2005

15πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž