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Your mom has breasts. A girlfriend has boobs. And you know that hotty you passed in the street in the short skirt and thigh high boots and low cut top, well she has tits and the tits are what you would tell your mates about..Hope that is helpful to you.

Tits Jimmy, tits everywhere.

by Mcspazatron February 1, 2016

6👍 1👎

my cat is on fire

A phrase used by gamers when they want to not play or avoid getting owned in a game.

1. Can we remake? My cat is on fire.

Person A: Why did he leave?
Person B: His cat is on fire.

by Mcspazatron February 13, 2012

78👍 6👎

small son

Literally someone who exhibits smallness. A small son will never make big plays. The direct antithesis of a big boy.

"Yo that guy sucks at this game"
"Yes, he is a small son"

by Mcspazatron July 6, 2018

11👍 1👎


1. A totally spastic girl who thinks she knows everything. 2. A very useful anti stomache drug

Eg1. Greg: Hey! Who do you think you are? Spazmotic: A intallictual intellectual person, who the hack hell r u? Greg: What a spazmotic

by Mcspazatron April 12, 2009

3👍 23👎