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Class of 2027

This class was born from late 2008 - mid 2009. They were the oldest in elementary school when the coronavirus pandemic started. Starting in the 2020-2021 school year (the current school year), they will be 6th graders in middle school.

People in the Class of 2027 are 11 or 12 years old.

by MegaMutant453 October 8, 2020

80👍 24👎

Class of 2024

Currently 13 or 14 years old and in 8th grade. Born in late 2005-2006.

This class is the best class. They are the oldest middle schoolers. Everyone in lower grades looks up to them.

“Wow, look at those Class of 2024 kids!”

“Yeah, they are so big and mature!”

by MegaMutant453 January 20, 2020

94👍 38👎