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obscure reference

an obscure or unclear reference, which could be considered random for the circumstance.

I mentioned Flat Stanley in a computer conversation, that be an obscure reference.

by Megacake1234 April 19, 2015

9👍 2👎

black pride

A term often used to denote or justify black racial identity, or even occasionally superiority. Generally only used in context to racialized or politicized groups or individuals, rarely if ever seen in public consumption seriously, occasionally otherwise used as a satirical joke.

Sometimes related to black power, often of which is a more extreme version of black pride.

Often justified by contrasting white pride or black and white inferiority complexes, of which many white inferiority complexes claimed to be related to 18th and 19th century American Chattel Slavery and the aftermaths of Jim Crow law discrimination in the southern US states. (it is uncommon for anyone to relate such concepts outside of American Institutions, even if referenced, but it is not impossible to be seen, the next most common reference is the Apartheid period in South Africa)

The protest paraded down the street chanting black pride as their leader pumped up a crowd for racial justice and reparations.

by Megacake1234 March 20, 2021

1👍 16👎