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A quiet guy. Usually observes everything around him. Very smart and talented. Always ready to talk/listen whenever it's necessary. Sometimes doubts themself. Sweet when it comes to meeting new people. Acts shy when around people they don't know, but when they're with friends... they're the craziest person.

Susan: Who got a 100 on the test?!
Yannet: Shaan
Susan: Of course. He's the smartest person in the class.

by Melody_photo June 29, 2017

156👍 36👎


An amazing friend who you can put your trust in. She's funny, sweet, and very kind. She knows when to be a friend and when to be a "parent". She gets hyper by the tiniest piece of sugar, but can sometimes remain in control of herself. She knows how to make people smile and laugh. She seems like the kind of person to always be cheerful, but inside she's falling apart. You will always want to see her happy and laughing because when she's down, you'll feel like you just died. Anna's the kind of person you never want to lose because she's the bestest person you'll ever meet

Hey, where's Anna?
She stormed out of the classroom, what did you do?!

Hey Mia, can you help me with hw?
Yeah, I had plans but I can cancel them for you.
Really?! Thanks

by Melody_photo August 5, 2017

485👍 66👎