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Life Force

It is the energy the male produces in his seed(spermatozoa). The idea comes from taoists and other philosophies but it’s been practiced by many outside those spheres.

It is believed that releasing your seed will drain your life force if done in excess. Many have claimed extraordinary creativity and proliferation of their works due to the retention of life force. Since it is believed to be a force of creation attributed to God.

Life force is real so don’t waste it on a sock ya wanker.

by Metaphyziks May 29, 2022

Dick spy

When you wear shorts or sweats that show the outline of your member and you catch a lady trying to “size” it up.

Man:”dude I was at the store the other day and this woman was totally dick spying.”

by Metaphyziks May 24, 2022

The woman in the red dress

From the matrix but a metaphor that can be applied to life. When you take the red pill (not be confused with the manosphere pill) and you wake up to the beast system. You give up lower frequency carnal vices in return for higher quality virtues, the woman in the red dress will try to lure you back into the ignorance. She will tell you what you want to hear, she is a jezebel waiting to devour you.

The woman in the red dress is a red herring, destroying your perception of truth and misleading your track.

by Metaphyziks May 24, 2022

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Black widow.

A woman who’s plays a damsel is distress to triangulate her current partner and cuck him. She’s mad about her own choices but blaming her temporary new boyfriend. She cries crocodile tears so convincingly she would dupe the father of lies himself, satan.

She usually has some ptsd or some unresolved trauma that caused her lascivious nature. She will eat her mates after courtship by spinning webs or lies and gaslighting tactics. All while love-bombing for a fake sense of security. Her oral sex skills will convince any man that they’re as good as their ego suggests. She is a dangerous woman with a such a malicious deceiving nature that many men have fallen victim for. She has no moral compass or accountability, or soul for that matter. She appears to convince you otherwise but tread carefully because every day is Opposite Day with her.

I can’t believe conor marrried that black widow.

by Metaphyziks June 10, 2022

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Your frame is your essence. You don’t give it up, it’s your peace of mind. It’s staying courageous through the fears and anxieties. Always maintain your frame. Not to be confused with arrogance or foolish pride, frame is based in humility but not of fear. It’s understanding yourself and what you stand for.

Nervous dudes never maintain frame

by Metaphyziks May 25, 2022

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Not to be confused with a narcotics officer. A narc is a narcissist.

Derived from the myth of narcissus who fell in love with his own reflection. A narcissist is a proud and controlling. They always want to one-up everyone. They’re selfish and self seeking. They play mind games to mask their true nature. Using tactics that make them seem selfless. Tactics like gaslighting, love-bombing, and monkey branching. They bring hate and drama into your life, all while claiming you’re the problem. Deep down they are insecure and afraid of abandonment or rejection. They can change but only through the alpha and omega Jesus Christ, the tough part is that narcs don’t take accountability — they think they’re above the truth and will lie and cheat as much as they want because they think they’re entitled to their own rules.

Covert narcs hide behind a facade of pain and victimization, often extremely jealous folks, with deep rooted resentment towards anyone who is better off.

The overt narc is more of the same except they truly believe no one can be better, except for when someone crushes their expectations, then their envy and complexes appear through their invincible mask. One-uppers who yap about themselves non stop.

by Metaphyziks May 25, 2022