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St. Louis Meaning: white trash of the worst kind. Also used as an adjective to describe anything several notches below your own perceived sophistication. Dates back to a strike that occurred in St. Louis in the 30's. During this strike, scab workers from Indiana were brought in to fill in for strikers. The perjorative hoosier stems from the St. Louis workers' lack of appreciation for this.

Rob: Man, I didn't like that bar.
Mike: Yeah, it's full of hoosiers.

Edna: Did you see how she was dressed?
Cynthia: Yes, she is sooo hoosier.

by MiamiPrice December 6, 2004

1319👍 792👎


St. Louis Meaning: white trash of the worst kind. Also used as an adjective to describe anything several notches below your own perceived sophistication. Dates back to a strike that occurred in St. Louis in the 30's. During this strike, scab workers from Indiana were brought in to fill in for strikers. The pejorative term hoosier stems from the St. Louis workers' lack of appreciation for this.

Rob: Man, I didn't like that bar.
Mike: Yeah, it's full of hoosiers.

Edna: Did you see how she was dressed?
Cynthia: Yes, she is sooo hoosier.

by MiamiPrice December 6, 2004

249👍 252👎