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"I thought indie meant Indian" *facepalm.

George: "I love these indie games!"
Jeff: "George, that's an Indian child trafficker simulator..."
George: "Piss off Jeff, it's Indian..."
Jeff: ...

by MickeytheChildhoodRuiner May 4, 2020

Fillmore's Syndrome

The inability to pull women.

Derived from the Sea Turtle in Sherman's Lagoon.

"Damn man, when was the last time you touched a woman? And don't mention the time when you accidentally ate someone's hair at a restaurant"

"Damn man, you gotta get off of Reddit, maybe stand outside for a little bit so you don't look like a vampire. Maybe shower up, wash off the cheeto dust covering your body"

"Damn man, I swear I haven't seen a woman in a hot minute. I swear to god I have the same problem as Fillmore from Sherman's Lagoon! Except in my case, I swear the women must all have diving gear cause they probably crawl into lakes and oceans when they know I'm coming near them!"

After typing his several-page-long essay rant comment under a youtube video documentary about Elliot Rodgers, Bob exhibited a significant number of traits indicating his chronic struggle with Fillmore Syndrome.

After being diagnosed with "Fillmore's Syndrome" by Reddit trolls, the OP realized that his excessive simping habits did not indicate any possibility of him attaining a partner.

by MickeytheChildhoodRuiner December 28, 2022


An astronomical belief that was popularly accepted during time periods between the 2nd Century AD/CE until the 16th century. The main aspect of this astronomical belief was that the Earth was considered to be the center of the solar system, and universe, because of how planets and the sun seemed to revolve around the Earth. During the 16th century, however, it was proved wrong, and replaced by the more commonly accepted heliocentric model (the sun being the center of the solar system). The person who proved it wrong was a well renowned astronomer by the name of Galileo Galilei, whose ideas were considered a threat to the validity of scripture, and thus religion (another incident where religion impeded upon the advancement of scientific knowledge).
Can also be used as a term to describe a person whose main points in an argument are based off of what is a commonly accepted belief. Often these people are ignorant af, unable to cope with their own stupidity because they are too busy arguing about distant, and unrelated topics that nobody cares about.

Pope: "WTH, Galileo! YTheck are you devising an alternative to our geocentric model based on the geocentric theory???"
Galileo: "Because you're wrong, and I have observed the heavens for, like, the entirety of a long time..."
Pope: "But we are God's special creation, so you must be wrong!!!"
Galileo: "Tell that to my telescope..."
Pope: "We have believed in the geocentric model theory for such a long time!"
Galileo: "My telescope ruined that career then."
Pope: "You're committing heresy!!!"
Galileo: "For discovering something true?"
Pope: "Arrest him! He is speaking and producing heresy for his truthful findings, and the church cannot be wrong because it has been telling people how to live and what to believe for the past idk, several thousand years, so you cannot be right! Our historical records all point towards the geocentric theory, and you are wrong!!! Even Ptolemy's retrograde discovery proves you wrong!!!"
Galileo: "Ever notice that Venus goes through the same cycles as the moon?"
Also Galileo: *gets dragged away, imprisoned in his home while having bad health, declared a heretic, and then struggles for the next two decades because of the church's ignorance...*
Galileo: "Ever heard of this lovely thing called '

by MickeytheChildhoodRuiner May 24, 2020


A title given to someone who surpasses all levels of greatness. The greatest award ever given. If someone is given the status of "Herr", they instantly morph into the *Almighty Loaf*. All but the great lord Herr Angenommen can fight off the *Almighty Loaf*.


Jeff: "You have been given the status of 'Herr' Joe..."
Joe: "Ohhhh shiiii-" *morphs into *Almighty Loaf*

by MickeytheChildhoodRuiner May 7, 2020


A person whose penis is the same size flaccid as when erect.

Bill: "Damn, Jayna keeps bragging about how her boyfriend has a 3" flaccid penis!"
Jack: "LOL, is anybody going to tell her he's a shower, not a grower?!"

by MickeytheChildhoodRuiner May 15, 2020

2👍 1👎

Pull a Deadpool

When you fake your death to get back at a fucker.

Joe: "WTH? I thought you were dead!"
Jeff: "I wanted to Pull a Deadpool so I could get back at you for eating the last muffin, bitch!"
Jeff: *Pulls out desert eagle, and blows a sizable hole into Joe's forehead, blowing his brains across the wall behind him.*

by MickeytheChildhoodRuiner May 28, 2020


The words "pimp" and "hipster" combined.

Joe: "Look at Max with all his gucci. The babes are surrounding him!"
Jeff: "What a himpster!!!"

by MickeytheChildhoodRuiner May 28, 2020