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Kill Yourself

A term meaning "I respectfully disagree with your opinion". Believed to have originated on tumblr, but most often seen on youtube.

John: I enjoy the music of Paramore

Joan: Kill yourself.

John: We'll have to agree to disagree.

by Mickulty September 27, 2013

989👍 119👎


A person who bothers their mother with it whenever someone upsets them. Often a weedy kid in school, generally can't take jokes or banter, and still relies on their parents to fight their battles at an age where they really shouldn't.

"That kid went and snitched on us for calling him fat! He's such a motherbotherer."

"What sort of motherbotherer goes to the police over a little scrap like that?"

by Mickulty February 3, 2013

1👍 1👎

delete your account

A way of saying "kill yourself" without getting arrested.

"You disagree with me? Delete your account! With a gun. In your mouth."

by Mickulty June 15, 2016

42👍 40👎