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Something that is considered cool, or of the highest quality. A step up from being Groovy.

"Mate that concert last night was Groovy."
"Ah, but was it groovet?"
"Well, I'm not sure it was that good."

by Mike100000000 December 25, 2006

6👍 1👎


To do something wrong, or make an embarrassing spelling mistake.

"I like Mark Serby"

by Mike100000000 May 19, 2021

1👍 1👎


A word of extreme randomness. Often used in practical jokes in texting, e-mailing and on telephone answer machines. The purpose is to make your friend think they have received a real message, only to find they have received the word; "Dorf!"

John: Oooh, I have a text from James.

Text; "DORF!"

John: What the hell?

by Mike100000000 April 14, 2011

26👍 19👎