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Fisherman's Benedict

After you have successfully created a Hot Tub Benedict, instead of feeding it to your significant other, you throw it in a nearby body of water. The fish will then get to feast on the delicacy.

"Hey I'm about to go fishing, got any Fisherman's Benedicts for me to help lure the fish?"

"Was a little too full for a Hot Tub Benedict, so I decided to make it a Fisherman's Benedict."

by MilkInMyCocoPuffs May 12, 2020

Hot Tub Benedict

When you're getting freaky in a hot tub and your cum poaches perfectly in the hot water. After, your partner eats the delicacy that's been created.

"Booked a hotel room last night, you know I've been craving a good hot tub benedict."

"My boyfriend made me the best hot tub benedict! Nice and softly poached."

by MilkInMyCocoPuffs May 12, 2020