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Get some help

A phrase some drama youtubers use to make their opinions seem more valid (when they're actually not). A synonym for fuck you and commit die.

*Youtuber gets involved in YouTube drama for views and subscribers*

Youtuber: yOu'rE sUCh a dIsGraCE tO HoOmAniTy!!1!!1!!!1!!!1!!1 gO gEt sOmE hElP!! 1!1!1!1!1!

by MinecraftBruhGod January 26, 2021

4👍 5👎

among sus

Another term for the Among Us the game where anyone and everyone is sus.

Person 1: among sus
Person 2: k can.

by MinecraftBruhGod November 7, 2020

8👍 1👎