Source Code


one who performs annoying or irrtating but ultimately benign actions.

He took food from my fridge again: he's such a jagoff!

by Minkus June 25, 2003

24👍 71👎

make an appearance

To go to an event solely to be seen there; usually one's stay at such event is short in duration.

Guy 1: "Yo man, what are you up to tonight?"

Guy 2: "I have to make an appearance at some douchebag's birthday party, but after that I should be free."

by Minkus September 3, 2006

15👍 2👎


A computer of any sort (PC, Mac, PDA, etc) whose main functions include a platform for computer programming and pr0n; often used by engineers and CS majors

"I'm in the process of adding an 80 gig external hard drive to my codebox. I was running out of room to store my pr0n."

by Minkus April 20, 2006

2👍 1👎