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nipple stickers

flower shaped bandaids women place over their nipples when they don't want to wear a bra but don't care for "nippy" weather....some varieties, although not nearly as "discrett" include "pasties" heart shaped and glow in the dark options.

"Ever since I started wearing my pasties, no one calls me Nippleonia anymore....get your pasties now! I like the blue hands!"

by MintyLeila June 20, 2005

19πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


Acronym used to describe a particular subset of the female population who are usually unpleasant to the hearing ear and to the clear mind. Acronym stands for: "Angry 35 year old". These A350's are women who are mad they are not happily married so they're just a drag...but they think they're hot.

"are any girls going to the superbowl party?'

"naw....just a bunch of A-3-5-O's..."

by MintyLeila June 18, 2005

15πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


a term used when a female is hurt and you think it's kind of funny, she may or may not be cute, but you are poking fun at her misfortune just the same. Literally means "poor thing".

"Ay pobrecita, she got dumped when her husband found her with sancho...."

by MintyLeila June 20, 2005

452πŸ‘ 315πŸ‘Ž

Cal Poly Pomona

also commonly referred to as "Cow Poly Pomona" is one kick-ass university. Not only does it boast real vegetation and real education, it is also quite fun for women to attend since the ratio is totally in their favor.

People everywhere wondered where a former lingerie model would have learned about quantum mechanics or higher level mathematics, but once they knew she'd gone to Cal Poly Pomona, it was no longer a mystery.

by MintyLeila July 7, 2005

536πŸ‘ 200πŸ‘Ž


also known as Muscle dysmorphia, and it's a classified mental illnessmuch like anorexia. Being muscular to the Bigorexic is what being thin is to an anorexic.

"he's not my type..."

"he's handsome, why don't you like him?"

"he looks like he probably spends all his free time at the gym and taking weight gaining powders...a total bigorexic!"

by MintyLeila July 11, 2005

39πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

holy cow

a term which is often exclaimed by a party in disbelief. Usually the person who uses such a phrase will originate from the midwest and may or may not be named dave.

"someone's at the door, should I hide? she's pissed, is it your wife?"

"holy cow! let me hide with you!"

by MintyLeila June 25, 2005

168πŸ‘ 71πŸ‘Ž


Obese (adjective) pertains to a person whose BMI (body mass index) equal to 30 or higher. Obesity is described in levels such as "mildly obese" "moderately obese" and "morbidly obese."

Becoming morbidly obese significanly increases one's chances of life threatening conditions and diseases.

by MintyLeila July 18, 2005

549πŸ‘ 169πŸ‘Ž