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The Darkness

Irritating, yet strangely addictive. REALLY good with the crowd.


by Misery_Emperor. October 15, 2003

38👍 16👎


Progressive/Black Metal band.

Sham mirrors

by Misery_Emperor. October 20, 2003

48👍 12👎

death metal

Actually, Death Metal isn't simply about satan/death/killing ect. Grindcore/death metal masters NAPALM DEATH have had a long history of political statments in thier music. The afformentioned Satan enlightens and brings forth religious ideas and concepts. In reality, Death Metal can be inteligent. However, bands like Obituary and Cannibal Corpse stay true to the no-brains-kill-em-all style, (good fun) but try not to tar all music of one genre with the same brush.

I so wish your thinking power wasn't fueled by ignorance.

by Misery_Emperor. October 15, 2003

102👍 16👎