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cafe au lay

Interracial hardcore porn. Cafe = Black; au lay = white. "au lay" is a play on words with au lait which means "with milk" in French.

Jackson Brown and Cheryl White made a "Cafe au Lay" in a Detroit motel room.

by MistahTom January 14, 2006

27πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


Azn parody of rly but it gets messed up when Engrish speaking people try to say it.

Hay Kim, are you ronery?
Yah I rry am.

by MistahTom November 2, 2005

125πŸ‘ 78πŸ‘Ž

San Diego Thank You

Kissing someone while they're taking a shit.

Stan: I'm gonna go to the bathroom

Roger: Go give him a kiss while he's fartin' one out. Go give him a San Diego Thank You.

by MistahTom April 19, 2010

1483πŸ‘ 414πŸ‘Ž


Something that goes up your butt. A probe. Its from south park

Stan: "Whats an anal probe"

Chef: "Thats where they put this big metal hoopajew up your butt"

by MistahTom November 25, 2005

54πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Palin American

A pc way to call someone mentally challenged.

See: Retard

Person 1: "OMG, Bryan is such a retard"
Person 2: "Retard is such a strong word. Use 'Palin American' instead."

by MistahTom February 11, 2010

1447πŸ‘ 445πŸ‘Ž


A tiny behind. The lacking of a curvaceous rear-end. Also known as a flat-ass.

I can't get sprung lookin at dat badinkydink.

by MistahTom August 8, 2005

66πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Portuguese Omlet

Its when a woman puts her legs behind her head and the man cracks an egg in a bowl with chopped up ham and chives and cheese, mixes it up and pours it into her ass. Then she squats over a hot griddle and shits the mix onto the griddle. The man cooks the mixture and eats it.

Dick and Jane made a Portuguese Omlet

by MistahTom September 3, 2005

136πŸ‘ 107πŸ‘Ž