Source Code

Universal Punishment

The Pesudo-Collectivist theory which states that if someone commits worng, then all must be punished as a result of that individual's wrongdoing.

Universal Punishment includes:

Gun Control: One out of 80million gun-owning persons just went off the deep end and murdured his family, so let's take away everyone's guns.

War On Drugs: One out of God knows how many coke sniffers just flipped out and killed a kid with a baseball bat, so lets ban ALL drugs.

These Gun and Drug control laws will be sure to lower the rate of shootings and drug overdoses in this country to 0%. After all, it's not like there's a black market where people could get them, or anything...

by Mob_Triggerman October 17, 2004

10👍 3👎

Gun Control

Type of legislation advocated primarily by big government proponents and "liberal" (sub)urban sheep who apparently think that it's a better idea to call the cops and wait up to fifteen minutes for them while some jerk is stealing your stuff, killing your spouse/kids/you, instead of shooting him dead before he gets the chance to. Gun control isn't always aimed at outlawing guns or certain types of guns, but putting (usually) silly restrictions on where a gun owner can keep their firearm in relation to the accessability to children, ammunition, etc.

As far as banning guns, well, drugs like weed, coke, LSD, and a whole lot more are currently illegal, and look how many KIDS, let alone adults, use that stuff. Hell, a few years ago in Washington DC, 69 per 100,000 were murdured via gunfire in one year, while, in the same year, 9 per 100,000 were murdured via gunfire in Indianapolis, a city with comparatively minimal gun control. And don't cite the gun accidents that occur every year to try and justify taking away everyone's guns. People get into car accidents due to drunkeness every year, so why don't we ban alcohol and cars? In fact, whenever someone dies as a result of mishandeling a purchaseable product, let's ban that product! Yeah, that makes sense! Humanity will be back to 10,000 BC in no time!

God knows that M-16s are machineguns, Colt 1911s are "assault weapons," and any gun that fires a higher caliber than "BB" is capable of "mass destruction." No one (except the Loving, Caring, All-Knowing State, of course) should be allowed to possess such horrible tools of destruction, because the common man is just too stupid and ignorant to operate them properly. And besides, what does the common man need them for anyway? It's not like someone is ever going to break into their home with ill intent, or that the government would ever abuse it's power and do a nation-wide purge of "socially-dangerous individuals" is it???

by Mob_Triggerman November 29, 2004

181👍 367👎

Grand Theft Auto

A really good videogame series (refering to GTA3 and all successors) that throws you into a parody of some major US city where you make a shitload of money by stealing, drug-dealing, shooting-up rival gangs and preforming various other errands for criminals, gangs, and other scumbags, and then just wreak havok or screw a hooker in your spare time. Plagued (along with every other videogame in history) by a fanbase that consists primarily of hyperactive, crack-addicted 12-year-old boys who couldn't pass a 1st grade spelling-bee if their lives depended on it. Yeah, you all know who you are. The majority of the game's "mature" players must not frequent Internet forums that often.

Oh, and this series also seems to routinely get blamed for the idiotic actions of a few Rednecks and urban white trash by gun control freaks and suburban pussies who want to punish everyone in the world for the misdeeds of a few dozen morons.

GTA is really good stress therapy if you have to drive 40 miles through some of the shittiest traffic in your region to get to work each day.

by Mob_Triggerman October 5, 2004

294👍 133👎


A complex arrangement of metal parts that is capable of discharging a lead peice at very high speeds, high enough to penetrate fleash and thin slabs of wood. Serves as humankind's (so far) permanent replacement for spears, staffs, swords, daggars, etc. as most effective weapons. Most commonly used for self-defense, murder, killing hostiles, recreational shooting, the standard issue weapons for armies, militias, etc.

Guns aren't the problem. It's criminals, irresponsible people, and totalitarian shitheads getting a hold of them that's the problem.

by Mob_Triggerman November 29, 2004

3442👍 702👎