Source Code


FORD: Fix or Repair Daily

Does what it says on the tin.

by Mooresy March 21, 2005

83👍 79👎


Waun Wen Poss. Straight up. A Place, A way of life.

"Im a nasty nigger, you cant fuck with me, ill gun your ass down im from the WWP"

by Mooresy March 3, 2005

18👍 23👎

silver elite

Silver Elite Hommie!!!
The savest bunch of gamers around.

Yo 2 Kuja, Maddermax, Mz
not forgetting Teh Bing! :D

Guy 1 "Did you see Bing get Pwned by that little goblin"
Guy 2 "Yeah, the rest of SE took care of him though"

by Mooresy March 3, 2005

18👍 6👎


The act of drinking so much your completely InSaNe. You could run round town naked and not even remember it when you eventually regain conciousness the next day. A good night out.

"Hahahaah look at critter hes wankered!"

by Mooresy March 3, 2005

457👍 164👎


2 Meanings;
-A Potato. Those loverly brown Vegetables your grandad grows.
-A lame insult. See Below.

"LT dont be a 'tato head"
"you there boy! pass me a tato"

by Mooresy March 3, 2005

20👍 105👎

pink elephant

An Joke Ender. Crowd Stopper. Just something you shouldnt say. ever.

Guys: Laughing and Joking.
Bing: "Pink elephant."
*cue tumble weed*

by Mooresy March 3, 2005

11👍 29👎