Source Code

trench coats

Long coats that only look good on certain people (Peter Murhpy). Unfortunately, almost everyone you see wearing a trench coat is a really ugly acne-faced video gamer.

"Mommy, why is that scary man wearing a big coat? He scares me!"

"Don't mind him, Jimmy, he's harmless. He'll beat you at Halo, but that's about it."

by Morbidia May 30, 2005

33πŸ‘ 72πŸ‘Ž

myspace whore

Usually a female on MySpace who goes nights without sleep just so she can post comments, bullitens, and pictures. She will often skip homework so she can be on MySpace, and naturally gets on it once she's at school. She'll generally have over 1000 friends because she'll be posting really slutty pictures of herself and pictures where you can't see her face and she isn't smiling. Generally has the same taste in music as everyone else on MySpace and is constantly threatening to delete her MySpace account because she's begging for attention.

MySpace whores will never survive after they graduate.

Kelly the MySpace whore doesn't have a job even though she's 25.

by Morbidia May 30, 2005

1307πŸ‘ 330πŸ‘Ž


One who thinks just because they're a year older than freshman, that means they're "the shit". Generally just as whiney and immature as a freshman.

Sophomore Lisa: Hey guys, I'm a sophomore now! Aren't these new freshman like, TOTALLY annoying!?

Seniors James & Miranda: Uh... We'll be over here...

by Morbidia May 29, 2005

364πŸ‘ 237πŸ‘Ž

Mountain Dew

Basically a caffenated version of 7Up mixed with lemonade. Contrary to popular belief, Yellow 5 (the dye used to color the soda yellow) does not make your testicles shrink, but it does slightly lower your sperm count for about an hour or two after drinking.

Brittany wouldn't shut up about how her boyfriend was using Mountain Dew as a form of birth control. Now she's a 14-year-old mother.

by Morbidia May 30, 2005

25πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

magic bus

A term used generally in the late 60s/early 70s for the hippy bus some kids owned to go get high in, especially during school.

"Hey Wally, wanna take a ride on my Magic Bus during lunch break? It's stuffed!"

by Morbidia May 29, 2005

25πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

kid's choice awards

The teeny-bopper's Nickelodeon version of the MTV Music Awards. Usually the artists featured on the show feel degrated as soon as they walk on stage, so they nervously remind all the little children in the crowd to floss their teeth.

"Yo I'm gonna floss my teeth because Nelly told me to on Kid's Choice Awards!"

by Morbidia May 30, 2005

52πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


Generally a freshman or sophomore girl in high school who dresses in all black and claims that they're "gothic", even if they've never heard of any gothic bands such as Bauhaus, Clan Of Xymox, etc. They tend to think that bands such as Marilyn Manson and Slipknot are goth. They cut themselves for attention, and they usually cut on the wrong side of their arm to make it more noticable. Generally wear T-shirts so you can see the scars, but cover them up when they get home.

1. Stupid Freshman: "Oh my god, Jackie cut herself again because her boyfriend didn't call her back last night!"

Mature Junior: "Who cares?"

2. Jackie smiled as she cut herself one night and said, "Haha, now my boyfriend will HAVE to love me!"

by Morbidia May 29, 2005

4πŸ‘ 80πŸ‘Ž