Source Code


1) Machine used to mow lawns, trim grass, and various weeds
2) Illegal mexican alien resident who snuck across the border holding a pinata, ten bottles of whisky, and a shitload of dirty mexican PCP Sometimes has retarded last name that is shameful due to a redneck father duping his dirty mexican mother into having sex. Tries to cover it up with a more obviously mexican name. Characterized by inability to communicate properly with others; exhibits an extreme fondness for tacos and other stereotypically mexican foods

Matthew Titcomb (a.k.a. Matthew Benitez)

by Morgan August 5, 2004

31πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž


coolest place on vancouver island

long beach is right by tofino, go there and go for a swim/surf

by Morgan April 21, 2005

50πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž


A big jump. As in related to skiing and or boarding.

Dude that kicker was sic.

by Morgan January 20, 2005

108πŸ‘ 50πŸ‘Ž

mike jones

a southern rapper who bases his entire career around his name.

Just listen to any of his few singles, and he says his name like it is some kind of verb, its annoying. then he has the nerve to have good beats and people think he hot, but he is not.

by Morgan April 22, 2005

736πŸ‘ 228πŸ‘Ž


great, fantastic, sick-narly, pro

that was a solid effort

by Morgan August 23, 2003

17πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

rockland district high school

A school with preps, goths, rednecks, "jocks", wiggers, geeks,the drunks, and some normal people. Wherever you walk, you see girls saying "like, what-ev, Oh em gee, I'm cooler than you..Duh." You see guys dressed like they would on halloween, guys that are white acting and dressing like they are black, people running around the school acting physco...geeks with books in their hands at all times. You may see some "clicks".. and the class of 2009 think they're hot shit. You hear about people having sex in teachers class rooms. AKA RM 29. It's a very interesting school.

When you go to Rockland DIstrict High School, you will see everything below...

Preps-the ones that think they're hot shit, but no one likes. Saying dumb stuff like what-ev.. and the examples above.
Goths-the ones that wear all black and dark make-up.. and possibly some are gay.
Rednecks- "Right wicked guy." The ones that look absolutely horrible and talk very annoying.. fishing and lobstering would be their hobby.
"Jocks"-The ones that think they're really good at sports.. and have sex with like everyone.. they also fit into the "drunks". Most of them really aren't that good at sports.. especically if they're from rockland.
Wiggers-all the ones that think they're black but aren't really.
Geeks-the ones that get class awards like 100 times.
Drunks-the ones that come to school hung over pretty much everyday. That's most of the rockland school by the way.

by Morgan June 19, 2006

19πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž


When males named morgan take it in the ass they experiance a morgasim

Morgan had a morgasim with ted, hes homosexual lover

by Morgan November 5, 2004

34πŸ‘ 169πŸ‘Ž