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- A substance, medicine or device used to drive away fans of the Star Trek franchise, or of specific television series or films within that franchise.

#Trekkiefuge See: Trekkiefuge #Neologism

Many consider J.J. Abrams and his reboots as a trekkiefuge for newcomers to the Trek fandom.

by MoribundMurdoch June 13, 2021


Patient endurance, during the pain inbrought via the excessively emotional scene from a drama, television program, anime, film, etcetera.

My appreciation of the K-dramas is borne of great sappy-sufferance.

by MoribundMurdoch September 20, 2021


the state or quality of being a fat simp

Gris showed his conspicuous adiposimpity when he took off his top to display his abdominous physique whilst he danced with his Belle Delphine body pillow.

by MoribundMurdoch November 3, 2020


1. Predicting the future by drinking margaritas

2. Predicting the future by drinking an excessive amount of margaritas

Ines's Margaritamancy is really impressive. She really thinks she's predicting the future when in actuality she's just relaying to us what just happened via garbled speech.

by MoribundMurdoch November 15, 2020


Partaking in datalatry; worshipping data; especially in the case when a researcher engages in data dredging wherein they re-analyze their data until they get the statistically significant result they want & then despite the fact that their data has no true correlation with the question they are addressing, they still cite it as the answer to a problem -- data in this case becomes a false idol.

The survey study on whether one is happier if one becomes a parent was datalatrous humbug. No matter whether the data indicates that more people are happier being parents or not, it cannot properly answer the question. This is because it cannot study parents who became and never were parents at the same time. It also cannot study how those who choose not to become parents would have felt if they did. Finitude in the end is what blocks researchers from coming to a conclusive answer in this tangible world.

by MoribundMurdoch August 31, 2022


An advocate of the political ideology whose blueprint for governing is the imitation of the models, systems, and elements of nature for the purpose of solving complex human problems.

The biomimictarian mentioned that if you want to take in immigrants whilst you have welfare state; you should take mithridatism into account, to preclude the welfare state from becoming overwhelmed; yet if you fight shy of a welfare state you may be able to take advantage of an open borders policy and ergo explode your GDP.

by MoribundMurdoch June 10, 2018

can-do spirit

a frame of mind where one believes it's possible for them to do anything

I love her can-do spirit -- she really did eat 18 curry bowls within 14 seconds.

by MoribundMurdoch December 1, 2020