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Someone who likes to munt things. He/she who munts is a munter.

Johno is such a cunt munter.

by Morkus Morkus August 12, 2018

12πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Gunt Munter

A male who likes to engage is sexual activities with overweight females. He is munting her gunt, therfore, he is a Gunt Munter.

A: I hear Bill is doing quite well for himself with the ladies these days. What a legend!
B: Nah, they're all fat. He's a full blown Gunt Munter.

by Morkus Morkus August 12, 2018

Social Justice

A perversion of justice which is inherently unjust. Not justice.

Justice is justice. Social Justice is therfore necessarily a subversion of justice (usually to suit political goals (regressive left) or personal goals (virtue signaling)).

If justice is just, then social justice cannot be just - in the same way political correctness is not correct.

by Morkus Morkus August 15, 2018

231πŸ‘ 62πŸ‘Ž


The artificial vagina of someone who has had surgery to turn their male sex organ into a non functional version of female genitalia. Known for being particularly dry and decrepit.

Person A: I engaged in sexual relations with a post-op tranny last night.
Person B: Intriguing. How was his trangina?
Person A: As you would expect. Dry and decrepit.
Person B: Obviously. I don't know why I even asked.

by Morkus Morkus August 11, 2018

27πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Sloppy Jalopy

An extremely runny excretion of faeces emanating from within the human body, and expelled from the rear end via the anus.

Don't go in there! I just painted the bowl with a sloppy jalopy!

by Morkus Morkus August 11, 2018

25πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


Anyone who criticises Islam, according to the Islamophillic regressive left.

Person A: I'd like to have a discussion about womens rights within Islam...
Person B (often a feminist): You're a racist bigoted Islamophobe!
Person A: What the actual?

by Morkus Morkus August 9, 2018

415πŸ‘ 607πŸ‘Ž


The sexual organs of a female homo sapien who's child has also had a child. Known for being particularly dry, dusty, and decrepit.

Fentilworth: I spied you canoodling with Mrs. Pennybone last night. Don't deny it, Fergwelstein!
Fergwelstein: I say, nothing gets past your monacled eye does it Fentilworth. I was indeed balls deep in Mrs. Pennybone's grangina!
Fentilworth: Bravo!

by Morkus Morkus August 9, 2018