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Tunaism is the religion of worshiping the Almighty Tuna Fish. This religion is practiced by at least one person.

You must eat a can of tuna daily and pray to the Almighty Tuna Fish before each meal. Tunaism is hopefully gaining popularity. It was started by one lone female in a small California town, once she decided the the tuna fish was the most beautiful thing in the world, and could help solve global warming.

A tunaist will often be see singing gospel songs while cradling a can of tuna close to their heart.

by Morrigon March 23, 2008

7👍 5👎

Des Ananas

A singing and dancing pineapple from Telefrancias, an educational program meant to assist children learning French. Meanwhile, Des Ananas is quite pedophilish looking, and stupid (ie. being attacked by a bird, almost being cut up by a chef, ect.) Despite his awkward face, eye makeup and feminine accessories, you will have to love Des Ananas.

Jen: Why is there a singing and dancing pineapple with scary lipstick waving at me?
Alyssa: Don't worry, thats just Des Ananas...Jaques and Sophies dear friend!

by Morrigon March 1, 2008

12👍 4👎