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One Piece

In the art community, this refers to a particular art request that a reasonably talented artist accepts unwittingly, and due to its content (fan art, anime, manga...) it becomes the most popular thing that artist has ever created, even to the point that most people will never look at another piece of the artist's work. The artist then faces the dilemma of keeping the artwork posted as it has drawn more pageviews than the rest of the pieces in the portfolio combined, or remove it because it gives the artist a disgusted feeling inside that people care less about new art and more about gathering every iteration of their "most favoritest anime evar!" It so becomes the artist's "One Piece."

"I put so much more work into so many other paintings, but they only come here for my One Piece."

by Mortbane July 15, 2012

2👍 4👎

How do you rate?

An expression of envy at someone else's fortune.

Julie: I just got a check in the mail for $45 from some class action lawsuit I didn't even know I was part of.
Andrea: How do you rate?!

by Mortbane April 18, 2016

19👍 11👎