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eye of minds

One of the best books of all time. Written by the genius James Dashner. The sequel in the series is "The Rule of Thoughts"

I just read the eye of minds. It was so good! Can't wait til it's made into a movie

by Mouse2262 February 20, 2015


One of the best people you could ever meet! They are funny, charming, charismatic, and very intelligent. That can be a bit mysterious and/or misunderstood but once you get to know them, they are the best people. A Luke can be a bit of a nerd but will often deny it. They are fighters with a strong attitude and a sarcastic spirit to last a millennium. They not only make great best friends, but also great boyfriends whether they know it or not

Did you see Luke yesterday? He is so perfect

by Mouse2262 February 20, 2015

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