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An individual who exhibits both qualities of a hooligan and a fool, but is not really either.

A term coined by the The Beatles in their song, "Maxwell's Silver Hammer". The line is often mistaken for 'fool again', but clearly Max was being a Fooligan.

By Jove! Why must you always be such a Fooligan. These are serious matters my boy!!

"Back in school again Maxwell plays the Fooligan, Teacher gets annoyed. Wishing to avoid an unpleasant Sce, e, e, ene." - The Beatles

by Mr.M.Slack April 20, 2010

101👍 5👎


An individual who exhibits both qualities of a hooligan and a fool, but is not really either.

A term coined by the The Beatles in their song, "Maxwell's Silver Hammer". The line is often mistaken for 'fool again', but clearly Max was being a Fooligan.

By Jove! Why must you always be such a Fooligan. These are serious matters my boy!!

"Back in school again Maxwell plays the Fooligan, Teacher gets annoyed. Wishing to avoid an unpleasant Sce, e, e, ene." - The Beatles

by Mr.M.Slack April 20, 2010

9👍 2👎