Source Code


..... police officer working with an ethical code he found in the gutter...a sneaky cop...an unethical cop..a sly cop....a crooked cop...

That offisewer stole my watch when he pulled me over for a speeding ticket

by MsDeeVeeAns March 18, 2008

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


This is the word I used when I had young ones around and had to swear which was not often.....it is the polite or ladies version of motherfucker....

'What did you say to me you muzzafuzza?'

by MsDeeVeeAns March 18, 2008

25πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


The slang of 'what is up with that'.... meant in playfulness not hiphop necessarily

Hey girlie, wuzzupwizzat new walk you got going on...looks like a serious swagger..

Did you hear about the politician who got caught buying prostitutes? wuzzupwizzat?

by MsDeeVeeAns March 20, 2008

3πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


....the deliberate assassination or suffocation or retaliation against any person who speaks out on their rights or about government employee abuses, made to look like a policy malfunction or a characterlogical flaw of that person resulting in injury or death to the target or person being fragged..

The women died after years of fragging.

by MsDeeVeeAns March 18, 2008

30πŸ‘ 65πŸ‘Ž


..... hypocrites in hiding, we all know them, They are the ones who urinate on your leg and tell you it is a busted water pipe in your abode and you believe it because you live in deplorable conditions. Be careful of the beguiling tongue of the HIH.

That priesthood is HIH.

by MsDeeVeeAns March 18, 2008

11πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

social apathitis

...the contagious dis-ease or illness that is epidemic throughout society...

Symptoms include: ignorance and deliberate bashing of the vulnerable groups of people... This sociopathic illness does not discriminate on who is chosen for its carriers: it crosses all races, cultures, econo-classes, ethnicities, ages, genders and orientations, spiritual or sexual.

That politician has social apathitis or he would not have made more cuts to the budget for sick people.

by MsDeeVeeAns March 18, 2008

11πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Gorbals is that one piece of shameful evidence of historical exploitation done to a people, gang-raped by The English. It is the very first organized public housing system that housed many a vulnerable/impoverished person and family. It is a single piece of information that reveals that government/city developers did not know anything about human nature of evolution before they forced folks into this Concrete Jungle. The Gorbals, as with any ghetto, is set up to 'frag' the people not in power.

If one wishes to see the decay of family integrity one need only look at the families that have been forced to reside in the Gorbals.

by MsDeeVeeAns March 18, 2008

12πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž