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Long slender slightly creepy fingers

Dude get your ganglers out of my popcorn bowl!

by Mtg187 March 11, 2017

Hamburger circus

A busy and crowded burger serving fast food restaurant,that has a hectic circus like atmosphere.

Im hungry but i dont want to stop at that hamburger circus it's too noisey.

by Mtg187 February 22, 2017

Dirt person

A person of disgusting and foul nature not to be respected

Larry is such a dirt person we shouldn't hangout with him anymore

by Mtg187 October 21, 2022

1👍 1👎

Dirt person

Unworthy subhuman person who is often greedy selfish and does nothing to contribute to the betterment of mankind

All Kyle does is mooch and try bang my girlfriend he is such a dirt person

by Mtg187 September 19, 2022

Urban loud speaker

A person that is talking too boisterous and loud in public

Can You keep it down your becoming a urban loud speaker

by Mtg187 August 25, 2024

Ego miner

A person that lacks self confidence and constantly mines the conversation for compliments.

Steve is such a ego miner, he must be really insecure about himself.

by Mtg187 March 20, 2017

Boiled jessica

A lady that drowns in your hot tub

Looks like we have a boiled Jessica case Johnson!. "What did she die doing?". Looks like she was trying to save a cell phone in the hot tub.

by Mtg187 April 2, 2017