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This is what actually stands for the abbreviation S.O.S., which is either "ass on ass" or "ass of ass". When your vessel is in distress in the middle of a deep green sea, both versions are true.

Radio transmission: Our ship has lost control, we are adrift, without rudders we are sure to crush! Ass-o'-ass! Ass-o'-ass!

by Murdoc Kylburne April 13, 2020

4πŸ‘ 56πŸ‘Ž


An SMS-way of saying "At long fucking last!"

Metallica @ Twitter: We have just released our new album, guys!
A fan: @long-far-king-last! Not long before the second comin', for Christ's sake!

by Murdoc Kylburne December 13, 2016

hitlery clittorn

A radical fascist feminist dictator wannabe that ran for POTUS in 2016, but lost to a radical misogynist Tronald Dump.

Did you vote for hitlery clittorn in 2016? Oh, I see, you have a brain cancer.

by Murdoc Kylburne February 19, 2017

20πŸ‘ 75πŸ‘Ž


(Pseudo) Abbreviation, coined in RuNet, derived from the Russian word "zeyebis", which broadly means "really fucking good".

- Do you like my new haircut?
- ?
- Really fucking good!!!

by Murdoc Kylburne January 27, 2020


Normalcy is perversion. Normality is OK. If a speaker is a pervert, normalcy is ok for the speaker, but not for us, normal people. Being black/red/yellow/brown/white is normal.

Respecting women, old people, children, people with some health conditions is normal. Claiming perverts normal people is a new normalcy, i.e. perversion that is, should be banned in civilised societies.

by Murdoc Kylburne June 1, 2020

2πŸ‘ 91πŸ‘Ž


Adjective, an antonym (opposite) to the smartest, describing a person who always tries to outsmart everybody they come across, considering everybody stupid and thinking no one notices that their behaviour is outrageous, while everybody keeps silence out of politeness. A synonym to a dickhead, prick, bastard etc.

Keep away from Donald. He is so smart-assed. Thinks himself the smartest and consider everybody yahoos. He will buy you a cup of "covfefe" today , but tomorrow he will make you pay for a dozen of "covfefes".

by Murdoc Kylburne January 16, 2018


A good girl's name. If you don't mind your girl's name pronounciation as "Hoe's Anna".

- Do you mess with Hosanna?
- Nah, bro. I kinda try 2 avoid any connections with hoes. I'm super anxious about sex-related diseases, especially HIV.

by Murdoc Kylburne November 20, 2020

1πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž