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To intellectually be above a 'person or group'.

It's not hard for me to outsmart seal team 6, even though they hack their way through life.

by PineappleJuice March 1, 2015

38👍 4👎


defeat or get the better of (someone) by being clever or cunning.
"the hero is invariably outsmarted by the heroine"
synonyms: outwit, out-think, outmanoeuvre, outplay, be cleverer than, steal a march on, trick, make a fool of, get the better

Outsmart the mother fucking snake dude

by ... Zjdbckdnznsjd September 17, 2019

trying to outsmart the Urban Dictionary

When someone trys to outsmart the Urban Dictionary it usually ends in failure. People commonly just mash things on their keyboard and look it up to try and see if it has no results. Little did they know I just looked for a definition of this and I won this little game.

Try again, coward.

"I was trying to outsmart the Urban Dictionary and failed :<"

by GOOBER LOVER June 6, 2023

I am yet to meet someone who can outsmart bullet.

A timeless line

"I am yet to meet someone who can outsmart bullet."

by Mr.FurnaceFace December 3, 2019

12👍 1👎

Outsmart the Elements

A slogan used by Rain-X

Outsmart the Elements commercials are the best

by SPrice1980 April 17, 2022