Source Code

Fuel System Cleaner

Nip of high quality vodka in a glass of diet tonic water, maybe garnish with citrus.

A Fuel System Cleaner is an alcohol beverage drink to clean out your body system from toxins and impurities.

Do not drink the fuel system cleaner that is put into cars! That is something different!

Customer: Hey bartender! Hook me with a Fuel System Cleaner!!

by Music_Is_Forever June 5, 2022

pocket diving

"Pocket diving" is when you need to dig down in your pocket or purse to find stuff, especially store cards, money, and/or credit cards. There must be an end to pocket diving because fumbling and juggling your cards while everyone is waiting in line just doesn't work. As a cashier, carrying a watch or a wrist band so one doesn't have to think of these things would make it so much easier for both customers and cashiers alike, and serious cut down on the wait for cashiers.

Are you some kind of ass that you're holding up the the line at the cashier's register going pocket diving for your cards?

by Music_Is_Forever April 1, 2022

Power phoning

Someone making a loud condescending phone call in public, especially as a way to show off.

Power phoning I wonder if there is someone on the other end putting up with being power phoned, because if someone tried to say that to me I'd tell them to try and say that to me in person, and then hang up.

by Music_Is_Forever July 2, 2022

Fuel System Cleaner drink

1 nip of high quality vodka in a glass of diet tonic water, may garnish with citrus.

Cleanses the body of toxins for the sake of both long life and fun. Pure clean, and clear! Don't drink if you are underage.

For clarity, please do not drink automotive system cleaner. That is something entirely different.

Customer: Hey bar tender! Hit me up with a Fuel System Cleaner drink!!!

by Music_Is_Forever June 4, 2022