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carbon leaf

the best friggin band ever!! celtic-inspired rock

i'm listening to carbon leaf b/c they're so damn good!

if u don't like carbon leaf there's something wrong with u.

by MyNameIsNotJane March 22, 2007

61👍 31👎


Phone; noun
1) the best invention of all time
2) by far the WORST invention of all time

1. person 1<hey, it's me, just calling to say hi...i love phones!
person 2> i know they rock.
2. person 1<hey, it's me. i know it's four in the morning and you only went to be 2 hours ago because you were writing a paper and you have an exam at 8:30 tomorrow morning, BUT, i'm SURE you wanna hear from me!!
person 2>i hate you.

by MyNameIsNotJane January 15, 2007

140👍 43👎