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gift wrapping the toilet seat

The act of carefully covering a toilet seat in a public bathroom with toilet paper or other protective paper so that your skin doesn't make contact with the toilet seat (and catching who knows what?)

Jimmy: Hurry dad! I gotta goooooo!
Dad: One moment Jimmy. I'm almost done gift wrapping the toilet seat. Then I'll let you sit on it. I don't want to think about who sat on this toilet seat before you!

by Mydaho January 11, 2015

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red white and blue

Someone who is red neck, white trash and blue collar.

That Billy Bo Bob is as red white and blue as they come. He's a red neck and totally white trash. And when he's workin, you better believe it'll be a blue collar job!

by Mydaho December 7, 2007

25πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


To carrie someone's car is to enact the four forms of damage described in Carrie Underwood's song "Before He Cheats": That I dug my key into the side of his pretty little souped up 4 wheel drive, carved my name into his leather seats... I took a Louisville slugger to both headlights, slashed a hole in all 4 tires...

Dude did you see that guy's car?
Cha! It looks like someone Carried it.

by Mydaho May 6, 2007

280πŸ‘ 258πŸ‘Ž

dating gridlock

It's the inability for guy #1 to confirm a date with gal #1 because guy #1 is waiting on gal #2 to confirm. But gal #2 can't confirm because she's waiting on guy #2. But guy #2 can't confirm because he's waiting on gal #1. So no one can confirm the date because they are in dating gridlock.

I sent a tentative invite to Michelle for dinner on Thursday night but I couldn't confirm because I was waiting on Jennifer to let me know if we were a go for Thursday. It turned out Jennifer couldn't confirm for me either because she was waiting on Mark to confirm their plans for Thursday night. Who would have guessed that Mark couldn't confirm plans with Jennifer because he was waiting for Michelle to confirm?? Thursday came and went and none of us went on a date because we were all stuck in "dating gridlock"

by Mydaho January 12, 2009

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comport with the truth

A polite way of calling something complete bullshit.

Trump: IҀ™m the best President evah! EV-AHHH!!

Journalist: Mr. President , sir ... that statement simply does not comport with the truth.

by Mydaho April 28, 2018

work twin

A person who started working at a company on the same day you did. These are people with which you feel a specific type of kinship because you came into this (work) world on the same day.

James and I are work twins. We both started working at Initech on the same day seven years ago.

by Mydaho October 24, 2017

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boobie fairy

Its the mythical creature who visits young ladies at the cusp of puberty, usually during cold winter months and endows them with a brand new pair of boobs. These become unveiled to the delight of them and their male counterparts during the warmer spring months.

Amber! I love that Hollister tank top and I can see the boobie fairy visited you this winter!!

by Mydaho May 6, 2007

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