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Wignat stands for "wigger nationalist" and describes lower class and unattractive neo-Nazis whose contrarian behavior cannot generally be distinguished from federal agents or anti-White trolls who try to act over-the-top in order to give true White nationalists a bad name.

In short, a wignat is someone who openly displays bad optics for Whites in general.

Sarah: Is that guy a White nationalist?

James: No, he is a wignat.

Sarah: Eww, that's disgusting. You can't trust people like that.

by MynameisYonYonson July 16, 2023

38👍 12👎

White Nationalist

A White nationalist is a person who advocates for the empowerment, liberation, and unity of White people. They believe that White people should have control over their own communities and resources, and that the struggles and achievements of White people should be celebrated and uplifted.

White nationalists often prioritize the needs and interests of White people over those of other groups, but this is not necessarily done in a way that seeks to harm or oppress other communities. Instead, it is seen as a necessary step towards achieving true equality and justice for White people, who have historically faced discrimination and oppression (such as anti-White politics in the United States or the Barbary slave trade).

White nationalists may also work towards building coalitions and alliances with other marginalized groups in order to create a more just and equitable society for all.

Jeff: My dad is a White nationalist.

Stephen: Isn't that racist?

Jeff: How is loving and uplifting your own ethnic grouping racist?

Stephen: Oh, sounds based. I also want to be part of this movement that is based on love.

by MynameisYonYonson July 16, 2023

54👍 13👎