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chewy shorts

The hair that grows on a woman's thighs when she gets lazy and stops shaving her legs above the knees.

We only dated for a few weeks when she started growin' chewy shorts.

by NCdubmixer July 23, 2009

317πŸ‘ 66πŸ‘Ž

ass kiss rodeo

Having to kiss someone's ass so much that it becomes a show in itself. This was a bit on the Adam Carolla KLSX radio show.

Everyone disagreed, but to keep their jobs they all played ass kiss rodeo to make him happy until he left the meeting.

by NCdubmixer July 23, 2009

311πŸ‘ 58πŸ‘Ž

t.m.i. TMZ

When someone shares too much personal information about someone else's private life when gossiping.

Coworker #1: "Did you hear about Adam?"

Coworker #2: "No, what happened?"

Coworker #1: "He got an STD from a girl he met on Myspace."

Coworker #2: "t.m.i. TMZ - I don't need or want to know that."

by NCdubmixer January 29, 2011

69πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

tivo timezone

A time period that lags behind real time; that is created by letting the tivo build up enough to skip commercials.

Jim watches all the Raiders games in a tivo timezone. He turns his phone off to avoid any spoiler alert texts.

by NCdubmixer January 4, 2010

5137πŸ‘ 1850πŸ‘Ž

nonprofit nod

When attending a training or conference, and whenever the speaker says something, the crowd nods knowingly and approvingly in unison.

It's a way to appear engaged without learning a god damn thing because nothing of substance is being offered.

The speaker goes on thinking he has made a difference, and the crowd goes home feeling like they are a part of something bigger.

Dan sat thru another wasted day at the conference. Realizing when he left, all that got accomplished was a handful of nonprofit nods to make everyone feel good.

by NCdubmixer December 2, 2014

culinary columbine

A horrible meal that is the result of a massacre in the kitchen.

His mother cooked Thanksgiving dinner, it was a culinary columbine.

by NCdubmixer November 21, 2009

257πŸ‘ 67πŸ‘Ž

digital privalege

Growing up w/ tech at your fingertips and wasting life bitching about SJW topics.

Lazy ass kids canҀ™t relate. TheyҀ™ve had internet and social media.

We had the library, no internet and card catalogs.

They CLEARLY have digital privalege!

by NCdubmixer October 15, 2019