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Suncoast Dirt Foot; one that has feet that looks like they have never owned a pair of shoes in their life; feet that look like they belong to swamp thing; people that live in sun coast have these feet; feet that look similar to alligator feet; Feet that have nails jagged enough to walk up walls with ease;

Damn look at that bitch, she has the worst case of SDF I have seen. She needs put some shoes on them alligator feet.

by NFM311 October 18, 2011

18👍 20👎


1.one who hails from sun coast, the largest trailer park in the world.
2. if you think a toyota on thorn birds with a palmetto spray can paint job with glass pack exhaust system is cool.

3. A person one level lower then a Wooly Booger.

Damn suncoastians always digging through my trash.

by NFM311 October 18, 2011

11👍 2👎