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Nepales love slave that has mastered every move in the kamaa sutra and specializes in "The Swinging Sherpa."

Yo that lakpa was crazy in bed, she gave me the ol Swingin Sherpa, so i bitch slapped that ho!

by NIIIIIIIIIIICK January 16, 2003

2👍 39👎


Small pussy bumps around a nipple that plump when you cook em'.

Hey, look at that twank, its getting mighty plump, lets bitch slap that ho!

by NIIIIIIIIIIICK January 16, 2003

2👍 10👎


anything and everythin, usually meant to describe grains of sand stuck in a vagina.

Yo, Sandy is being such a nitch....Yeah shes a little bescuzzled.

by NIIIIIIIIIIICK January 16, 2003

Bitch Slipper

When you lube your foot and slide it completely into a womans vagina.

That girl was so loose i could get my foot in her twat. They call that a bitch slipper.

by NIIIIIIIIIIICK January 16, 2003

11👍 9👎


to take dingleberries from a small collection of people and rap them in saran rap. Then when someone leaves their house you light it on their stove.

Yo that kid took a bunch of dingleberries and snurgled me, so i had to bitch slap tha ho!

by NIIIIIIIIIIICK January 21, 2003

9👍 249👎