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An ancient family and/or order of ray-finned fish. Order Lepisosteiformes and family Lepisosteidae, which contains about seven species. They have a elongated snouts and bodies that are heavily armored by ganoid scales, and their jaws are filled with many small, sharp teeth. For some reason, their swim bladders can function as lungs and most of them occasionally come up for air. All gars are relatively large fish, but the alligator gar is the largest, sometimes even growing up to 9.8 feet in length. Gar flesh is edible and their hard skin and scales are often used by humans.

I was baffled when I found that the "gar" page on Urban Dictionary didn't have any definitions whatsoever relating to fish.

by NarwhalDragonNinja April 17, 2016

40👍 16👎


A word used by practically nobody and really means nothing, but thus it gives you the freedom to use it as an interjection whenever you want. Much like "yoy" or "yee."


by NarwhalDragonNinja March 20, 2015

2👍 1👎


A pimple you get on your eyebrow.

Really wierd boy: mom, my eyebrow is itchy.
Really wierd mother: maybe you've got an eyebrimple?

by NarwhalDragonNinja November 1, 2013